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1st Squadron 9th Cavalry Regiment 50th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony and Memorial Service

0900 hours 2 July 2015, Doughboy Stadium, Fort Benning, Georgia

For Bullwhip Squadron Association Members and 1-9 Cavalry Veterans:




The Bullwhip Squadron Association will be sponsoring a 1st Squadron 9th Cavalry Regiment 50th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony and Memorial Service recognizing the 3 July 1965, activation of the Squadron at Doughboy Stadium, Fort Benning, Georgia. Our ceremony will take place on 2 Jul 2015 (0900 hrs) honoring the 1st Squadron 9th Air Cavalry Troopers, the unit lineage and the history within the 1st Cavalry Division. 



The initial agenda (still draft and working 31 March 2015) for the ceremony, expected to last about 45 minutes, will include , opening remarks, invocation prayer, the reading of the Squadron activation orders, uncasing the Squadron colors by the 1st Cav Division Color Guard and (TBD) 1-9 CAV veterans that participated in the 3 July 1965 activation, presentation of Colors, opening remarks, speakers (TBD) at least two 1-9 CAV Veterans that participated in the 3 July 1965 ceremony and a recent/ former 1-9 CAV Commander, Mounting/unveiling plaque recognizing the 50th Anniversary, closing remarks, 1SG Trooper roll call (Vietnam to Iraq), benediction, 21 gun cannon salute, a 1st Cav Division bugler playing


TAPS, possible UH-1 HUEY flyover (big challenge to find) posting of Colors, conclusion of ceremony. Refreshments afterwards on location.

We will have buses available and blocked rooms for association members at the Columbus Holiday Inn North I-185 (same as the C Troop Reunion location,  2800 Manchester Expressway, Columbus, GA 31904, 877-859-5095) to transport to and from for ceremony attendees. In addition, we will be making special coins for 1-9 CAV veterans that were there in 1965 with Troop and a Squadron coins. 

We will send out an initial email to everyone on our lists but we would like those who know others not on our lists to forward the information presented here. We have a special Gmail account for RSVPs and information (1st Sqdn9thCav50th@gmail.com). You must RSVP by email, letter or phone by June 5, 2015 to reserve your attendance  so that we an properly plan for transportation (for Bullwhip members) reserved seating (for members and Active Duty current or former HEADHUNTERs) and refreshments. Troopers that contact us and plan on attending will asked to provide contact information and Squadron affiliation information (dates served, units, duties and if you can a picture of you when you served your tour/assignment).  Your information will not be shared with any other organization or commercial entity and will be used for attendance planning and historical record keeping.  No email, phone or address (except for city and state)information will be retained.

There will be no costs for attendees or registration fees.  Doughboy Stadium will have ample seating for anyone wishing to observe the ceremony and access will be open following Fort Benning operating procedures.  For those that register we will provide information regarding Army

Author: Joe Bowen
Article rating: No rating
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Remember Our Fallen

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Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of our fallen Brothers

45 years ago, on June 6, 1969,

B Troopers 1st Lieutenant Joseph Breski, Jr., WO1 Samuel G. Bosenbark and SP4 John D. Sharp were shot down by hostile fire south of Quan Loi and the Saber Troop Air Strip in the Binh Long Province in Vietnam.

Article rating: 5.0