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Fallen Warriors 41 and 39 Years ago





After taking many hits on a recon mission on June 9, 1969, Jack landed at LZ Barbara to check his still running OH-6A.  When he got out checking his aircraft the right skid collapsed, and he was hit by the main rotor blades.  JACK ALBERT HARKER JR, is honored on Panel 22W, Row 1 of
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Date of Birth: 8/16/1949,  Date of Death: 6/9/1969, Home of Record: BOUNTIFUL, UT






Apache 12, along with his crew, James Dine and Michael Seibert were killed when their LOH

was shot down on August 9, 1969




December 21st 2009


Forty (40) years ago today Apache Troop lost three brave Scouts.  Thad Yonika was a a Cobra Pilot in my Red Platoon. He said  he wanted to get closer to the fight and requested a transfer to the Scout Platoon.  I approved the move relunctly because of his great potential to become a Red Platoon Aircraft Commander but his enthusisiam to fly Scouts was really genuine and we knew that he showed some of the unique qualities that would  make him a great Scout.  On 21 december 1969 while flying OH-6A tail number 67-16142, he and his crew encoutered a force of NVA at a location we called Pearson's Field, near the Cambodian boarder (UTM grid coordinates: XT181843).  His LOH was hit by enemy fire and as he evaded away from the NVA and tried to land outside the enemy's fire the aircraft crashed.  Unfortunately the aircraft exploded and Thad along with Chris "Kippy" Gray (gunner/ Torque) and Barry Kaletta (observer) were killed.  Thad (age 21   www.virtualwall.org/dy/YonikaTM01a.htm ) Kippy ( age 20,  http://www.virtualwall.org/dg/GrayCJ01a.htm ) and Barry (age 19,  http://www.virtualwall.org/dk/KalettaBP01a.htm  ) will always be in our thoughts and will be forever young.