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Name:R Britzman
Location:ogden ut
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I am looking for anyone who might remember Ray G Howe "big ray" who was a crew chief 1/9 scouts not sure what troop 68 69 timeframe.He recently passed and i am looking for any info or anecdotes for a little memorial folder for his grandchildren he was shot down numerous times. he told me of one time when the pilot was killed and he was on the ground all night awaiting rescue and at dawn every available aircraft in his unit flew out to his location to deliver suppresing fire to the enemy while an air force rescue team retrieved him. if anyone remembers this or anything else about my old friend i could include in this for his family please write or call any time. 801 920 7234
Visit Date:2/14/2013
Name:Pat Bieneman
Location:Sun City Center, Fl 33573
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Col Pryce of A Troop passed away a fw months back. I sent his wife, Jo< a sympathy card from the Bullwhip Squadron. Today I received a card from Jo. She was thanking all of us for our condolences. I make a mug for the spouses of Charlie Troop when one of us rides on to Fiddlerss Green. It has a picture of the Man, a picture of him with his spouse and the three types of helicopters that were used while he was in County. A statement at the top saying "Always Honored and Never Forgotten" and then the Troop listed below that. I would be happy yo do that for any of the troops if I could have someone from each troop get a Then and a Now photo, the year served and the wife's name and an address. I do this auctioning off items at the Bullwhip Reunions. I do not charge anything. So if you want to particiapate either find someone to collect the info and pictures or send me the info and pics at
Visit Date:1/10/2013
Name:Richard Sistrunk
Location:Panama City, Fl
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Went over with Bravo Co 1/9th on the Kula Gulf from Charleston, SC Anchored off Quinon and flew off Kula Gulf to An Khe! Wounded on 3/30/66! Spent 22 months of Leisure in Martin Army Hospital in Ft Benning, Boarded Out 1/31/68 and lost track of many of the gun-ship group of B Co 1/9th Cav!
Visit Date:12/1/2012
Name:tom snyder
Website:Not Provided
Comments:served with 3/17 cav hhtrp as sqdn maint clerk from mid 1964 to march of 1965 col stockton was the best officer i served under and also very loved by all god bless all cav and military personel
Visit Date:11/5/2012
Name:henry b. rice
Location:aims, oregon
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Was Saber 21 69-70..replaced 'ol chesson at Quan loi... also flew the "charlie model" gunship as a 'scout' on THAT was a thrill...anyone remember that? My God, what a fight that was, with all the ground attacks and rocket attacks...who's idea was it to build hootches in the rubber trees anyway?... Lots of memories and great fellows there. I just turned 66 the other day but it still seems like yesterday to me....I went to Southern Rhodesia and served in their military as a Lt. with the 'Broken Eagles', after I got out of the Army in '72, to fly the Alouette III, and ended up with the Selous Scouts... they never lost a fight by the way...
Visit Date:10/31/2012
Name:Greg Jayne
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Thank you all for a great time at Fort Hood Bullwhip Squadron Reunion. Good luck to our 1/9 troops deploying next month. Thanks again for your hospitality, it was great to see Fort Hood again.
Visit Date:10/22/2012
Name:Pat Bieneman
Location:Sun City Center, Fl
Website:Not Provided
Comments:During this past Bullwhip Squadron Reunion $200.00 was raised to purchase two bricks to be placed at the Motts Museum. I am looking for suggestions as to what should go on them. Two things; 1. Only 14 spaces per line with 3 lines max. 2. One is for our Fallen Brothers and one is for the Bullwhip Squadron. Send your responses to my email not on this site.
Visit Date:10/18/2012
Name:Frank Elo
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I'm a Ctroop 1/9 Infantry Vet, was in a helicopter crash in 67', trying to find records. Anyone that can help? Thank all of you for your service and may God bless you all.
Visit Date:10/4/2012
Name:Rob Struck
Location:Kennewick, WA
Comments:With Charlie Troop 1/9th, 1970-71 Blues RTO 'Blue India' 1970
Visit Date:9/29/2012
Name:Jeff McCracken
Location:Las Vegas, Nv
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I served with the 1/9th in 67-68 as a member of the 63rd PIO Det. LZ Two-Bits & LZ English I'm looking for my Sgt Wayne Lovell. Any info would be appreciated. Our Friend and comrade Stephen Straub was killed in the Tet of 68. Rest in peace Steve... Mac
Visit Date:9/27/2012
Name:Diane Laree Peagler
Location:Papillion Ne
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Anyone ! Im trying to find anyone who served early .. between 1961 and 1967 . My father Leroy W Peagler was killed in action.. Need to find someone who knew him served with him Killed Accidental Homicide 1/27/67 Daughter hurting... 45 years later..
Visit Date:9/18/2012
Name:Diane Peagler
Website:Not Provided
Comments: Trying to locate anyone who knew Sgt Leroy Wilson Peagler killed January 27 1967 Originally for Sumter SC Lived in Philadelphia PA
Visit Date:9/17/2012
Name:Joseph D. (Doug) Ashworth
Location:Austin TX
Comments:Served with C Troop in 1969. Call sign Cavalier 16. My wife and I plan to attend the BWS reunion in Oct. 2012. This will be our first reunion, and am looking forward to seeing old friends, and making new ones. See you there.
Visit Date:9/2/2012
Name:tj Norwood
Location:blythe ga
Website:Not Provided
Comments:c troop 65-66
Visit Date:8/27/2012
Name:louis gimbutis
Website:Not Provided
Comments:My time with B Troop left me with pride in myself and the men I served with.
Visit Date:8/26/2012
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